Monday, January 02, 2006

more journal entry fun!

(now playing: left of center by suzanne vega)

let's jump ahead in time, shall we, to the spring of 2000:

"... it's quite difficult to function without medication. i hope this doesn't pass onto abbey. is that even possible? i'm so tired, and, at the same time, my mind is fully alert. i want to feel something else for a while. not pain, not numb, just something..nice. i really want to just feel something. no, it's not that i'm numb. i just want to feel whole again. i'm so segmented. so in little pieces, scared of losing those pieces, scared of holding on too tightly. need middle ground. can't find it
need meds soon..."

so i've got my outfit ready for tomorrow. i'm showered, listening to music (now playing: bizarre love triangle by new order) and reclined in my bed. there is a cat next to me, and he goes by the name of "little brother." but he's larger now. so just "brother." "big brother" is way too creepy.

watched "the exorcism of emily rose" this evening. not horrible but not what i was hoping for.
hoped for:
scary movie
actually saw:
courtroom drama


1 comment:

DenimRose said...

Happy New Year! :-)