Monday, January 23, 2006

on the clock bloggin'

with my lack of laptop i am not blogging at my usual pace. so in lieu of dental insurance, my current employer is giving me blog time. sure, my teeth will still rot away, but i can blog, for fuck's sake!

i find it to be a fair trade.

it's a lovely four-day work week, as i already had this friday off for the, you know, that cancelled thing. so i'm taking the day and hanging out with my kiddo, and preparing for the feeling of my eyes glazing over from the amount of gamecube games we'll be watching, thanks to my sublimely mundane friend.

and we'll be eating ice cream. maybe some bubblegum ice cream. who knows.

anyone have any thoughts on bubblegum ice cream? i used to find it incredibly confusing --- what if i swallowed that gum and it stayed in my stomach for seven years???

but i'm a grown up now, and i think giving bubblegum ice cream another chance might be okay.


Bram Davidson said...

Back in the what I like to call "the sugar years," I thought that bubble gum ice cream was divine. It's two treats in one!

Rod said...

bubble gum ice cream is evil
if the gum stays in your tummy for seven years, that means less room for ice cream.

Chris Cope said...

Bubblegum ice cream is sacrilege. Surpassed only by bubblegum toothpaste.

DenimRose said...

ANY kind of ice-cream is good and if it helps you through the weekend, then so be it!

You're being strong, keep it up Kari. I'll be thinking of you on...ya know, the day. *hugs*