maybe this is self-censorship, that's fine. maybe my thoughts ought to be censored at times.
on a different topic entirely, i stapled (accidentally) my sweater sleeve to some paperwork i was filing today. it's as though i saw it happen in slow motion.....
me thinking: hmm...that cuff is really close to the ...DOH!
i was hoping no one would notice, but i began giggling so hysterically at what i had "accomplished," my desk mate noticed.
"Did you staple yourself to that?"
i reply with a hearty belly laugh and then proceed to banging my head onto my desk.
i was able to free the staple with little or no damage to my favorite sweater.
small accomplishments are important to recognize, you know.
(accomplishment? the stapling part of the freeing of the staple part?)
the nice thing about working at a newspaper after the holidays is that most businesses that advertise have very little budget left after the chaos of cmas, so i had very little to do today. in fact, i finished everything so early that i am now home, awaiting the arrival of dust and kid, who he kindly picked up from school today.
i think the six-hour work day is completely ideal for working stiffs like me.
(unless you live paycheck-to-paycheck, in which case it is not so good.)
and does anyone know why a cat drools? (sounds like the beginning of a joke, but no, i'm serious.)
i don't mean froth like cujo, i mean drool, as in 'WATER POURING FROM MOUTH DIRECTLY ONTO ME."
it's not horribly horribly gross, but sometimes you prefer to not have that happen. like right now, as i just removed the small mouth-leaking cat from my chest.
i mentioned to dust earlier that i've been clever in blogland lately. and i usually don't like much of what i do, but i think i have been clever. show of hands: have i been clever?
my sister and i want jobs where we are paid to be clever.
and how i WISH i could have been the bored graphic designer who dreamed up this litle goodie:

absolutely perfect.
Kari, Is the cat kneading you when it drools? If he/she is, it's from when they were little, and nursing from their mom's, they would knead to get the milk to "let down." And the drool, I guess, because they are so content they forget to swallow their spit! I have a cat that does it to me. COnsider it a gross, wet compliment!
nan is incorrect, I am obliged to point out. they do this to tenderize you, in the manner of a steak, and drool because they are contemplating eating you.
Fortunately they often get lost in reverie and never get around to the eating part.
matthew, you are a gem.
I agree with Nan. They are going back to their young kitten days and are trying to stimutate milk flow. My older cat drools profusely whilst the younger one just a little.
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