i like to give people the benefit of the doubt. i like to think that no one will intentionally fuck someone else over.
but i'm not naive, i'm not stupid, i'm aware that shitty things happen all the time in this world. people are getting screwed on a constant basis in life and it makes no sense and it's certainly not fair.
so what can be done to prevent it? not a thing, i don't think. as nervewracking as it seems and as much as it makes me want to have a panic attack, there is nothing to be done. if i were independently wealthy, i'd hand out dollar bills to people i see do nice things. people who let you merge on the freeway even in thick traffic, people who let pedestrians cross the street, people who help change a flat tire. i would reward these people with money.
i've thought about rewarding them with ribbons -- little blue ribbons that say "decent human" on them -- but money talks, doesn't it?

then i'd be known as that "money lady," where if you do a good deed and she sees, you are rewarded. then everyone would be working extra hard to NOT be assholes.
Agree, in general. I think one of the most fundamental philosophical questions ever posed (as useless as "traditional philosophy" is, anyway) is the question concerning whether or not human beings are born--are fundamentally--"good" or "evil." I think all philosophies eventually wind their ways back to this question, actually. And I tend to think that all human beings are intrinsically "good." Where's my proof? I've got none. Nada. Zilch. Zippo. I believe this by making a leap of faith, even if by making that leap of faith, I sometimes fall way, way short of making a landing on the other side. But, still, I leap.
i still leap too, andy. and sometimes it totally bites me in the ass. but i don't know any other way to do it.
That's it. Because if you don't, you become a bitter, misanthropic, miserable fucking human being. And then they win.
you've hit the nail on the head, fella.
note to self: get on cafepress.com and make those damn ribbons!
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