Friday, October 28, 2005

aren't fridays supposed to be better than this?

do you ever just want to be the person who you really think you are sometimes? to say what you want to say the moment you want to say it? all those mean, insipid comments can just come flowing from your mouth like little pearls of hatred?

"no, i don't want to fit you ad into my paper. why? because you treat me like shit and i'm fucking tired of it, that's why."

"maybe people would be more helpful to you if you weren't such an insufferable bitch."

"if you continue to ask me stupid questions i will continue throwing this wad of used kleenex at you."

"i'm cranky because you are stupid and don't know how to do your job."

i guess i'm not to be toyed with today. i tire of it. i tire of pretending i'm a nice person when really, i'm kind of mean.

the jig is up.


kari said...

SERIOUSLY!!! a show of hands --- at what point are we allowed to just finally say what we are thinking? when?

eM said...

i think it kind of depends on how long you want to stay at your job. Perhaps blogs can be a nice outlet for all the things we want or wanted to tell people but couldn't because it's so much more accepted to be nice and smiley....bastards...i feel your pain tho. in my old job, just about every other day, i wanted to scream out:

"actually, i'm not tech support and it's not my job to kiss your ass because you are unable to enter in a simple form on the computer despite your PHD!!?!?!? Did you learn NOTHING in school? It's a computer, not that freaking difficult!"

"I did NOT create the internet or the computer and just because i may be of that kooky younger generation, you CAN'T blame the existence of all technology on me!!!"

Not everyone was evil and mean, but ohmigawed, there were a few that just blew my mind!

why isn't is tolerated to smack the hell out of the people who look at you in their snide little way after you try to explain them how to actually use their computer to fill in a form that has information that they know and you have NO clue about and they look at you and rudely say, "But that's your job to fill it out."

At which point i wondered, ya know, i didn't get a masters in scientific and technical communication to do data entry!!! not that there is anything wrong with that, but it wasn't my job!

grr...hang in there, sister, some day the world will make sense...and if not, there's liquor...ahh, liquor...

Jege (Jen) said...

I'm, sorry I was still thinking about cock. Did you say something?
