Wednesday, October 19, 2005

one hour until i am a bazillionaire

okay, so i think they draw the numbers for powerball in about an hour. and i'm sure i'll be a winner, simply based on the following (this has nothing to do with the actual odds):
- i've been known to be clever
- i'm not a terrible dresser
- i know a lot about movies
- i am only a few degrees from kevin bacon
- i don't have the worst singing voice in the world
- ......

....fingers crossed...


Joe said...

I'm pullin' for ya kiddo. And if you win, remember, "pullin' for" is worth at least 5%

Crystal said...

Don't you know? The only way to win the lottery is to hurry up and get old, buy a mobile home, let all your great grandbabies run around in nothing but diapers, smoke so much that you sound like an old man with gravel in his larnyx, and then get on tv and say "woo hoo. the first thing i'm gonna buy is a case of milwaukee's best and a couch that wraps around the entire trailer with built in cup-holders".

That's the thing with the lotto. In Texas anyway. We always get our finest to represent us.

kari said...

so i guess to win the lottery i need to become white trash and move to texas?

DenimRose said...

HEY, I resemble that remark! ;-) We don't ALL live in trailers. SOME of us are even educated and work! ;-)