Saturday, October 22, 2005

like the olson twins, but MORE evil

this is why it's important for the smart people i know to start having babies immediately, b/c THEY are outbreeding the rest of us!


DenimRose said...

*shakes head* racism at such a young age - scary!

Sorry you hurt your ankle. Hope it feels better soon!

Joe said...

I actually heard about them about a year ago. They've got a website (or at least had one)with MP3s of their little tunes. On the bright side they sound as bad as songs written by 12 year olds should sound. No Mozarts there, let me tell ya.

I remember when I wrote little songs as a kid. They were pretty likely to include phrases like "doody head" not Rudolph Hess. On the bright side, they're what, 13? That means two more years--tops--of this musical colonic before they're both knocked up, barefoot with a few rugrats already "Zeig Heil"-ing in a trailerhouse somewhere in Arkansas.

Joe said...

On their website they have link to this Nothing more inspiring that the "Master Race" needs handouts to make it. Must be tough to be white these days.

Chris Cope said...

"We're proud of being white, we want to keep being white" -- Apparently they don't understand genetics and are concerned that being in contact with other races will turn them into such.