Saturday, October 08, 2005

i cook!

it's true! this is what happens when a manic high enters the picture. i went to the farmers' market last weekend and bought all sorts of good eats. however it's taken me this long to get to the eatin' part, so in my craziness i decided that i needed to prepare and/or eat all of them, so they don't spoil.

i made a tossed salad with cucumbers, baby tomatoes and romaine lettuce. (currently sitting in fridge, uneaten. hopefully i can depend on dustin for that.)

i blanched (cooked until transparent) radishes in seasoned olive oil. (currently sitting in fridge, uneaten.)

i cooked a butternut squash. i think it's a butternut squash. is that the small green one? i poked little holes in it with a large knife so that it didn't explode for the 12 minutes in the microwave. then i cut off the exterior, scooped out the seeds, chopped it, added butter and brown sugar and maple syrup. so basically i negated any nutritional content it had and turned it into candy.

this is not sitting, uneaten in my fridge. this is mostly in my stomach.

i may take ye olde puppy for a walk today, b/c it actually seems like fall outside. in these parts of the country, fall is a fleeting notion that pops in and out without any sort of consistency. four days ago it was 80 degrees. yesterday it was 39. today? a fair 52 degrees. that i can live with for a long period of time. sadly i know that's not to be.

dustin and i both agree that the pacific northwest is probably the ideal climate for us. we like rain, we like grey, we like non-extreme temps.

last sunday i went to panera because they have free wireless and they are within a few miles drive of my house. while there i was able to accomplish a great deal of writing on a story that popped into my noggin, so tomorrow i shall attempt more work on the story that i'm really only writing to prove that i can:
1. think up a semi-original idea;
2. convince myself that i can do more than just be a couch lump on sundays;
3. prove that i still know how to use proper punctuation and capitalization.


kari said...

an acorn squash it was. and it was good.

not actually planning a move to the pac. nw, but the climate is ideal. i have sisters nearby that i want to stay near and my kiddo's dad lives here in the metro area, so i have no desire to take part in what would be an ugly custody battle.

so it is here i stay until.......

Jege (Jen) said...

Goddamn it, Kari! Get yer ass out to the PAC NW!! You will love it! And Seattle is EVEN RAINIER than Portland! It's awesome!
(I too love the grey, and the rain, and the temperate climes....and all of the lush green vegetation and tall trees and proximity to ocean and mountains and and and....okay, this is WAY too much shit to be residing between 2 parentheses. Hey, you know what? I want to write AN ENTIRE BOOK in parentheses. Like maybe just have an opening sentence, the cut right to the parentheses. And maybe a couple of footnotes. Looooong footnotes. With footnotes of their own in a dizzying spiral of footnote-ishness....OK I'll stop).

kari said...

how would you and devon like houseguests in your new house sometime? it'd be a delight to visit!

Jege (Jen) said...

That would be ever so cool!

Although, better wait a few months, or Devin will put you to work fixing the back deck, or removing knob-and-tube wiring in the attic (and that last one isnt as fun as it sounds,'d think "knob and tube! Kinky!" but sadly, no....)

eM said...

Oooh knob & tube! Kari, definitely wait until they're done w/ that before visiting!

We had to rip that out of our upstairs and it's rather creepy stuff. it just looks like it wants to electrocute you. it's where the wires (in old creepy tubes) are kept a certain distance with these little ceramic knobs apart so they don't arc electricity and burn down your house.