so according to this piechart, i have learned the following:
the green represents less than five seconds visited on my blog.
light blue is from five to thirty seconds.
light pink is thirty seconds to five minutes.
orange is five to twenty minutes.
red is from 20 minutes to one hour.
yellow is longer than an hour.
so my question is, why in the hell would you want to read this for over an hour? who are these people who are lurking for an hour? yikes.
I flit back and forth between blogs whenever I have a spare moment...so you can lump me into the obsessive-compulsive visitors group.
oooohhhhhhh. how do you figure out all these cool facts? (never knew i was a number cruncher at heart, did you?!)
and how did you get that anti-spam feature? i'll have to admit... i did have some trouble with it. got the dilated eyes going on from an eye check up today. not so much fun. i may be a lurker, but i can only see in multiples right now, so i am a googly-eyed-step-mom-to-your-birth-child
lurker. can't get much creepier than that today, i'll bet =) hope you guys aren't as swamped with abbey-homework as we were sunday/monday/tuesday. no spaces because that was how it felt. the living room table became our mecca, if you will. granted, i was correcting 7th grader "Personal Response to Literature" papers... but stephen and abbey were NON STOP. it kinda sucked. looking forward to better times =)
why, i did no number crunching whatsoever, michelle -- the good folks at statcounter.com did it for me! i just downloaded the chart that they put together for my blog and posted it. as far as the anti-spam feature, i think on the blogger home page it has it listed as an option. if not, just check out the FAQ or help section.
and homework has not been too terrible thus far, a little grumbling but it's done for the day, so now it's time to relax.
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