"taffeta, darling."
so now i'm watching "clue," (the burbs is on vhs and i only have dvd in my room) and i was just thinking how much madeline kahn had such brilliant comic timing. and you know where the above photo comes from.
"it's big, it's heavy, it's wood..."
GOD, I love that film!!! May I take this moment to blurt out random quotes? I can? Well THANK YOU!!! Ahem, here we go:
"There wolf, there castle"
"YES!!! He was my boyfriend!!!"
"Listen very carefully. Do NOT put the candle back"
"...the staircase can be treacherous" (Chloris Leachman reciting this line is one of my all-time favorites).
don't you mean...
"put zee candle back!"
"it's pronounced froderick."
and of course, the horses neighing after "Frau Blucher!"
"i believe the preferred nomenclature is asian-american"
So right you are, Karicita!!!!
And let's not forget the quote about the "poo-poo undies" uttered by madeline kahn, while she is in bed with the monster.
One of my favorite parts of Clue is when the singing telegram girl comes to the door:
" ...I am a singing telegram..."
BANG!!! (sound of gunshot). The girl slumps, and the door slams shut.
All you have to do is sing "I am a singing telegram" to Amycita, and she will make a gunshot noise without even thinking about it. Try it.
my sister meg is the same way, jege! a favorite scene for me in "clue" is at the end when mrs. white (m. kahn) is explaining how much she hated yvette: "Yes... yes, I did it... I killed Yvette... I hated her so much, it, it, the, it... flames, flames -- flames on the side of my face... breathing -- breathle -- heaving breaths... heaving breaths..."
or mr. green's last line:
"i'm gonna go home and sleep with my wife."
Oh god, yes!!! The Flames!!!
Oh man, my face hurts from laughing...
Oh, and Tim Curry's "I had to stop her from screaming".
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