here is our cat, little brother. and he is sleeping next to my leg, currently adorned in the best pajama pants on earth.
she's the best.
the kiddo and i have just returned home from an evening at the cheap theater -- we intended on seeing the potentially horrible "fantastic four" but instead saw "charlie and the chocolate factory" for the third time. then i told her the story about when i was her age, i saw "ghostbusters" in the theater NINE times. her response:
"oh, i have your soul!"
she destroys me with stuff like that.
and the plan for saturday? hopefully it involves cocoa wheats, morning cartoons and remaining in pajamas for as long as humanly possible. and my pajama pants are so snazzy, as you can see above, that i could wear them out of the house. but i won't, b/c that defeats the purpose.
i'm all about the pajamas. not only for the comfy factor, but there is something symbolic is wearing them. it says "i no longer have to leave my house today." sure, i could run those irritating errands, but hey, i can't cause i'm already in my jammies. the act of changing clothes at a certain point in the day shows the move onto something else. just as mr. rogers took off the suit coat and the fancy shoes and changed into the cardigan and sneakers, i see the change in attire as necessary for the rest of the day/evening to unfold.
my changing into pajamas says "i am moving out of one part of the day to the next. the part that doesn't involve going to work or the bank or the post office. the part that involves sleep. and count chocula cereal."
That looks like a very cool cat. How old is...um...it?
anonymous, IF that is your real name, the cat, little brother, he is four, i think. he is a handsome cat.
So I'm bored out of my mind on a friday night and decided to Google my name. Apparently we have the same. To be fair you had it first! And if I'm correct we also have the same middle name, Lynn? I could be wrong. I also found it wierd we both have daughters, a cat and live w/in (i'm guessing) 20 miles of each other. I used to live on Long ave. in St. Paul (near 280 & univrsty) but that didnt last long, I'm more a Mpls girl! Just thought I would say Hi to my namesake....
Kari L Larson
P.s. I agree, ?cool? cat. I would say the same about my own but he has some type of mental disability and around winter he starts to rip all the hair off his back. Yes I know , It's disgusting.
i have a twin! i think i might be the evil twin, however. and my middle name is actually Leigh. but it's close to Lynn.
and matthew, knowing that about germany almost makes up for the david hasselhoff fascination they have.
i said almost.
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